Ceph : Cluster deployment

7 min readMay 28, 2020


Ceph : Cluster deployment

Posted on May 28, 2020 by fajlinux

In this post will be presented how to deploy the environment by ceph ansible.

An ansible deployment is the most standardized and official format among the main vendors using Ceph. Ex: Suse, Oracle and Redhat.

The installation presented in this document will use a similar flow for deploying:

If you would like to get an overview about Ceph these document could help you.

1) Requirements

  • Admin node: Server where you have the Ansible package and the Ceph Ansible module.
  • 3 Monitors and Managers: Ceph Monitors, the same hosts will be hosts for Managers.
  • 3 Storage nodes: In order to deploy in a physical environment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough hardware study. http://docs.ceph.com/docs/luminous/start/hardware-recommendations/

Enable epel repo on all hosts

yum install epel-release

Firewall definition for a Ceph environment:

Firewall documentation: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/3/html/installation_guide_for_red_hat_enterprise_linux/requirements-for-installing-rhcs#configuring-a-firewall-for-red-hat-ceph -storage-install

  • Monitor rule :
  • 6789/tcp
  • Regra do manager e osd node:
  • from port 6800 / tcp to 7300 / tcp
  • Regra do metadata server:
  • 6800/tcp
  • Regra do object gateway:
  • Utiliza 8080/tcp, 80/tcp e 443/tcp (if you want SSL).

2) Environment

I'm considering use these hosts for Ceph cluster deployment :

  • 3 Ceph Monitors
  • 3 OSDs Nodes
  • 3 Ceph MGRs

A good approach for understand wich workload and hardware needed are this documents :

3) Admin node e Ceph Ansible

The admin node referenced in the requirements will be the laboratory’s controller node.

Install the ansible and git package on the host controller:

[root@host ~]# yum install ansible git -y

Let’s configure Ceph Ansible, where $ BRANCH is the branch that will be used and explained shortly after.

[root@host ~]# cd /usr/share
[root@host ~]# git clone https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git
[root@host ~]# git checkout $BRANCH
[root@host ~]# ln -s /usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars /etc/ansible/group_vars

According to the Ceph Ansible documentation, we have the following branches to use.

  • stable-3.0 Supports Ceph versions jewel and luminous. This branch requires Ansible version 2.4.
  • stable-3.1 Supports Ceph versions luminous and mimic. This branch requires Ansible version 2.4.
  • stable-3.2 Supports Ceph versions luminous and mimic. This branch requires Ansible version 2.6.
  • stable-4.0 Supports Ceph version nautilus. This branch requires Ansible version 2.8.
  • master Supports Ceph@master version. This branch requires Ansible version 2.8.

For more information the official documentation has all the information: http://docs.ceph.com/ceph-ansible/master/#releases

During this deploy we are using branch stable-3.2.

Create an admin user with passwordless sudo for execute the ansible playbooks.

useradd admin
passwd admin
echo "admin ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/admin
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/admin
sed -i s'/Defaults requiretty/#Defaults requiretty'/g /etc/sudoers

Create the key on the host controller and distribute it among all hosts.

[admin@host ~]$ ssh-keygen 
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/admin/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:NpdAJw1vFexb/PPUFPFbX18DS4K550hiRMLH9oZEc3E admin@controller
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| ..+++==Eo+ ..|
| ..Bo*o.+ o..|
| = + +. o .*|
| + B o. o X|
| . S * o ++|
| . + .. .+|
| .o|
| .|
| |
[admin@host ~]$ vi ~/.ssh/config
Host controller
Hostname ansible
User admin

Host mon1
Hostname mon1
User admin
Host mon2
Hostname mon2
User admin
Host mon3
Hostname mon3
User admin
Host osd1
Hostname osd1
User admin

Host osd2
Hostname osd2
User admin

Host osd3
Hostname osd3
User admin
Host client
Hostname client
User admin

Create the ceph-ansible-keys directory

[admin@host ~]$ mkdir ~/ceph-ansible-keys

Create the ansible log directory

[root@host ~]# mkdir /var/log/ansible
[root@host ~]# chown admin.admin /var/log/ansible
[root@host ~]# chmod 755 /var/log/ansible

Distribute keys among the hosts involved.

[admin@host ~]$ ssh-keyscan osd1 osd2 osd3 mon1 mon2 mon3 client >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts[admin@host ~]$ ssh-copy-id <HOST>

Ansible inventory configuration.

vi /etc/ansible/hosts

Edit the /etc/ansible/group_vars/all.yaml file and set some variables for Ceph deployment.

[root@host group_vars]$ cd /etc/ansible/group_vars/
[root@host group_vars]$ vi /etc/ansible/group_vars/all.yml
ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_repository_type: cdn
ceph_stable_release: luminous
monitor_interface: eth1
osd_scenario: non-collocated
osd_objectstore: bluestore
- /dev/sdb
- /dev/sdc
- /dev/sdd
- /dev/sdd

The number of dedicated_devices has to be distributed according to the number of devices, if you have 6 disks and 2 nvmes it is necessary to make the following distribution:

- /dev/disk1
- /dev/disk2
- /dev/disk3
- /dev/disk4
- /dev/disk5
- /dev/disk6
- /dev/nvme0
- /dev/nvme0
- /dev/nvme0
- /dev/nvme1
- /dev/nvme1
- /dev/nvme1

We can also configure the ceph.conf parameter with the ceph_conf_overrides parameter where we can specify the conf in the global, mon, osd, mds sessions:

ceph_origin: repository
ceph_repository: community
ceph_repository_type: cdn
ceph_stable_release: luminous
monitor_interface: eth1
osd_scenario: non-collocated
osd_objectstore: bluestore
- /dev/sdb
- /dev/sdc
- /dev/sdd
- /dev/sdd
max_open_files: 131072
osd_pool_default_size: 3
osd_pool_default_min_size: 2
osd_pool_default_crush_rule: 0
osd_pool_default_pg_num: 32
osd_pool_default_pgp_num: 32
mon_osd_down_out_interval: 600
mon_osd_mon_down_reporters: 7
mon_clock_drift_allowed: 0.15
mon_clock_drift_warn_backoff: 30
mon_osd_full_ratio: 0.95
mon_osd_nearfull_ratio: 0.85
mon_osd_report_timeout: 300
mon_pg_warn_max_per_osd: 300
mon_osd_allow_primary_affinity: true
osd_mon_hearbeat_inverval: 30
osd_recovery_max_active: 1
osd_recovery_backfills: 1
osd_recovery_sleep: 0.1
osd_recovery_max_chunk: 1048576
osd_recovery_threads: 1
osd_scrub_sleep: 0.1
osd_deep_scrub_stride: 1048576
osd_snap_trim_sleep: 0.1
osd_client_message_cap: 10000
osd_client_message_size_cap: 1048576000
osd_scrub_begin_hour: 23
osd_scrub_end_hour: 5

4) Deploy

We will deploy with the following steps

[root@controller ~]$ su - admin
[admin@controller ~]$ cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible/
[admin@controller ~]$ cp site.yml.sample site.yml
[admin@controller ~]$ ansible-playbook site.yml

If the deployment is successful, the following output will be displayed at the end of the deployment:

TASK [show ceph status for cluster ceph] ****************************************************************************************************
Wednesday 19 June 2019 20:44:24 -0300 (0:00:00.612) 0:06:16.827 ********
ok: [mon1 -> mon1] => {
"msg": [
" cluster:",
" id: c9e1807a-56fd-472b-aced-9479273d18a6",
" health: HEALTH_OK",
" ",
" services:",
" mon: 3 daemons, quorum mon1,mon2,mon3",
" mgr: mon1(active), standbys: mon3, mon2",
" osd: 6 osds: 6 up, 6 in",
" ",
" data:",
" pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs",
" objects: 0 objects, 0B",
" usage: 6.02GiB used, 23.8GiB / 29.8GiB avail",
" pgs: ",
" "
PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
mon1 : ok=165 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0
mon2 : ok=151 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0
mon3 : ok=153 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0
osd1 : ok=128 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0
osd2 : ok=124 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0
osd3 : ok=124 changed=11 unreachable=0 failed=0
INSTALLER STATUS ****************************************************************************************************************************
Install Ceph Monitor : Complete (0:01:15)
Install Ceph Manager : Complete (0:00:54)
Install Ceph OSD : Complete (0:02:32)

Log in to the monitor and check the Ceph status:

[root@mon1 ~]# ceph -s 
id: c9e1807a-56fd-472b-aced-9479273d18a6
health: HEALTH_OK

mon: 3 daemons, quorum mon1,mon2,mon3
mgr: mon1(active), standbys: mon3, mon2
osd: 6 osds: 6 up, 6 in

pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs
objects: 0 objects, 0B
usage: 6.03GiB used, 23.8GiB / 29.8GiB avail

5) Client configuration

Update the /etc/ansible/hosts inventory and configure the clients tag.


After installation confirm the installation on the host client

[root@client ~]# rpm -qa | grep ceph 
[root@client ~]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
# Please do not change this file directly since it is managed by Ansible and will be overwritten
fsid = c9e1807a-56fd-472b-aced-9479273d18a6
mon host =,, network =
cluster network =
admin socket = /var/run/ceph/$cluster-$type.$id.$pid.$cctid.asok # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
log file = /var/log/ceph/qemu-guest-$pid.log # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor

In the vm client we will create a 1 Gb image.

[root@client]# rbd create rbd1 --size 1024 --name client.rbd

Let’s list and get the image information created in the RBD pool

[root@client]# rbd ls -p rbd --name client.rbd
[root@client]# rbd --image rbd1 info --name client.rbd
rbd image 'rbd1':
size 1 GiB in 256 objects
order 22 (4 MiB objects)
id: 5e4a6b8b4567
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.5e4a6b8b4567
format: 2
features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, deep-flatten
create_timestamp: Wed Aug 29 09:30:43 2018

Before mapping, let’s disable some features of the image so there are no errors.

[root@client]# rbd feature disable rbd1 object-map fast-diff deep-flatten

Let’s map the image:

[root@client]# rbd map --image rbd1 --name client.rbd...

Validating the image delivered to the OS with fdisk:

[root@client]# fdisk -l /dev/rbd0Disk /dev/rbd0: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes, 2097152 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4194304 bytes / 4194304 bytes
[root@client log]#

Mounting the image

mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd0
mkdir /opt/labrbd
mount /dev/rbd0 /opt/labrbd

Persistently mounting the image

[root@client]# vi  /etc/ceph/rbdmap 
rbd/rbd1 id=admin,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

Adjust the / etc / fstab file

[root@client]# vi  /etc/fstab
/dev/rbd0 /opt/labrbd xfs noauto 0 0

Enable the service at boot

systemctl enable rbdmap.service

To unmount the OS image, unmount the mapping and image

umount /opt/lab/rbd
rbdmap unmap /dev/rbd0



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